Warman International
Warman Builds Titanium VIBROSCREEN For Ferric Chloride Solution
When ICI in Australia asked Kason's licensee, Warman International, for a Kason that would withstand highly corrosive ferric chloride solution, Warman International replied affirmatively. The Kason licensee specified titanium construction for handling the ferric chloride solution. It is so aggressive in the ICI process that it can reach a boiling temperature of 115°Celsius.
Warman customer engineered the 48 in. (1220 mm) diameter VIBROSCREEN to separate epoxy based paints and plastics material from ferric chloride circulation liquor. During the design phase, anticipated flow rates were estimated to reach from 264 gallons to 352 gallons (1000 liters to 1333 liters per minute) per minute. Using Warman's computer aided design system, the VIBROSCREEN's special flanged connectors ensure a total seal, clean connection with other (ICI) equipment, and guarantees no chemical spills. The screening process results in only a small amount of solid waste consisting mainly of plastics from recycled cans. ICI neutralizes and disposes of these wastes.
The ICI process is part of a system to produce ferric chloride to assist in the precipitation of sewerage sludge. It is a by-product of the Sydney Water Board's water sewage treatment plant that improves the quality of Sydney's treated effluent.
The process began operation during the spring of 1994. Broken Hill Proprietary (BHP), Australia's largest steel producer and company, receives hydrochloric acid produced in ICI's synthesis plant. The HCL removes scale from steel sheets as they pass through a series of acid baths. Trucks return this pickling liquor to ICI and it serves as the feed material for the ferric chloride plant in the suburb of Botany. Scrap iron such as recycled steel, chlorine gas and water will produce ferric chloride for use by the Sydney Water Board.
Plans call for the technologically advanced plant to recycle all effluent in the plant and operate in an environmentally friendly manner, according to ICI. The completed ICI plant has an annual maximum capacity of 50,000 tons of ferric chloride.
Screen Tips - Volume 9, Number 3 Winter 1994
Warman customer engineered the 48 in. (1220 mm) diameter VIBROSCREEN to separate epoxy based paints and plastics material from ferric chloride circulation liquor. During the design phase, anticipated flow rates were estimated to reach from 264 gallons to 352 gallons (1000 liters to 1333 liters per minute) per minute. Using Warman's computer aided design system, the VIBROSCREEN's special flanged connectors ensure a total seal, clean connection with other (ICI) equipment, and guarantees no chemical spills. The screening process results in only a small amount of solid waste consisting mainly of plastics from recycled cans. ICI neutralizes and disposes of these wastes.
The ICI process is part of a system to produce ferric chloride to assist in the precipitation of sewerage sludge. It is a by-product of the Sydney Water Board's water sewage treatment plant that improves the quality of Sydney's treated effluent.
The process began operation during the spring of 1994. Broken Hill Proprietary (BHP), Australia's largest steel producer and company, receives hydrochloric acid produced in ICI's synthesis plant. The HCL removes scale from steel sheets as they pass through a series of acid baths. Trucks return this pickling liquor to ICI and it serves as the feed material for the ferric chloride plant in the suburb of Botany. Scrap iron such as recycled steel, chlorine gas and water will produce ferric chloride for use by the Sydney Water Board.
Plans call for the technologically advanced plant to recycle all effluent in the plant and operate in an environmentally friendly manner, according to ICI. The completed ICI plant has an annual maximum capacity of 50,000 tons of ferric chloride.
Screen Tips - Volume 9, Number 3 Winter 1994
Kason VIBROSCREEN of titanium construction withstands highly corrosive ferric chloride solution. It is so aggressive in the ICI process in Australia that it can reach a boiling temperature of 115°C. Warman International, a Kason licensee, custom engineered the VIBROSCREEN to separate epoxy based paints and plastics material from ferric circulation liquor.