Our Spare Spring Business is Virtually Nonexistent... and We Love It
Replacement spring business was significant before Kason developed its true resilient mount shown in Figure 1. By using the resiliency of a rubber mount to hold the spring in place, we eliminate any stress points on the coil which would cause premature failure. Why are we so elated at the virtual nonexistence of spring business? Because our new machine business has grown as a result. Customers appreciate creative engineering and dependable equipment.
We are sensible enough to conclude that nothing is perfect, and we realize that the success of the resilient mount depends on the degree the neoprene cone is compressed when replacing the springs that have succumbed to wear and age. Although the instruction manual is clear on this operation, we are restating it here to assure our spring business does not rebound.
When tightening the assembly bolts, tighten the first nut fingertight and follow with three (3) full 360° turns. Complete by tightening the second jam nut against the first using wrenches on both nuts.
The 360 degree turns compress the resilient cone mount just enough to secure the spring without over-tightening the system. This keeps your Kason VIBROSCREEN Circular Vibratory Screener's repair bills low and our reputation high.
Screen Tips - Volume 4, Number 3 Fall 1989
We are sensible enough to conclude that nothing is perfect, and we realize that the success of the resilient mount depends on the degree the neoprene cone is compressed when replacing the springs that have succumbed to wear and age. Although the instruction manual is clear on this operation, we are restating it here to assure our spring business does not rebound.
When tightening the assembly bolts, tighten the first nut fingertight and follow with three (3) full 360° turns. Complete by tightening the second jam nut against the first using wrenches on both nuts.
The 360 degree turns compress the resilient cone mount just enough to secure the spring without over-tightening the system. This keeps your Kason VIBROSCREEN Circular Vibratory Screener's repair bills low and our reputation high.
Screen Tips - Volume 4, Number 3 Fall 1989