Clarification of Paint and Other Protective Coatings
The presence of undesirable insoluble impurities or oversize pigment agglomerates is a characteristic of many natural and synthetic gums, resins and pigments used as surface coating ingredients. An additional amount of contamination incidental to normal plant operation is frequently introduced into the product. In this highly competitive field, Kason VIBROSCREEN Circular Vibratory Separators equipped with fine screen cloths are used to remove contaminating solids from shellac and a wide variety of paints including alkyd, latex and water base types, high gloss enamels, aluminum pastes, and so on.
Method and results
The presence of undesirable insoluble impurities or oversize pigment agglomerates is a characteristic of many natural and synthetic gums, resins and pigments used as surface coating ingredients. An additional amount of contamination incidental to normal plant operation is frequently introduced into the product. In this highly competitive field, Kason VIBROSCREEN Circular Vibratory Separators equipped with fine screen cloths are used to remove contaminating solids from shellac and a wide variety of paints including alkyd, latex and water base types, high gloss enamels, aluminum pastes, and so on.
Method and results
Clarification is normally the last step prior to filling and Kasons may be gravity- or pump-fed directly from dispersing units or intermediate storage tanks. Most finishes require single-deck machines, but some specialties such as aluminum paste are screened on double-deck Separators to simultaneously produce two grades. Aluminum paste, particularly when used in automobile finishes, requires removal of oversize solids (referred to as "seed") at 325-mesh. Several users employ 48" diameter Kason VIBROSCREENS on this application, the top deck equipped with screens ranging from 80- to 200-mesh and the bottom with 325-mesh. Oversize aluminum flake particles are continuously discharged by the screen from this mineral spirit slurry. To exemplify capacity, the clarification of traffic paint can be cited. Vehicle is medium alkyd with 28% phthalic anhydride, 57% pigment by volume, viscosity 90 (Krebs Units) and Hegman grind 3. Finished paint is clarified using a 100-mesh screen cloth (opening 0.0055") and the Kason is rated at a capacity of 10 gallons/min./square foot of screen cloth. Models are available that will allow for filling 45-gallon drums in times ranging from 20 seconds to 5 minutes.
1. The Kason's unique 3-dimensional motion allows it to clarify nearly every type of finish made today, at high production rates using screens down to 325-mesh.
2. Kasons are specifically designed for paint plant practice and include such features as solvent-resisting gaskets, explosion-proof electrics, portable stands to allow for clarification at the filling station, and more.
3. A screen can be changed in 15 minutes or less, and the entire unit is optimal for quick and thorough clean-out between batches.
- Single- or double-deck Kason VIBROSCREEN Circular Vibratory Screeners, as required.
- Stainless steel construction for ease of cleaning and stainless steel or nylon screen cloth to suit finishes being handled.
- Totally enclosed or explosion-proof motor and wiring to meet all necessary insurance and safety requirements.
- Stationary or portable models.
Kason Application Data No: 9