CENTRI-SIFTER Increases Yields by Breaking Lumps or Rejected Bags as Well as Screening
By using a modified screw, the CENTRI-SIFTER centrifugal sifter excels at breaking lumps or de-agglomerating crystalline materials and bags of under- and over-sized grounds, powders and flakes. By using a special screw, the Kason centrifugal sifter can be used to de-agglomerate powders and disintegrate lumps, while screening to tight oversize specifications. Special screws are also used to recover valuable product from over- or under-weight packaged products such as coffee or tea. The modification required depends on the application.
For de-agglomerating crystalline materials similar to the snow in a snowball, a screw with interrupted flights combined with paddle blades has proven highly successful. This special screw rotates inside a screen so the product becomes uniformly-sized free-flowing granules after passing through the screen.
Companies can economize through product recovery from over and underweight packaging. Screws with interrupted flights break bags of grounds, powders or flakes, permitting recycling of the product and discarding of the bag. Coffee grounds, for example, drop through the on-size discharge spout while the broken bags exit through the over-size port.
This technology has also been used for delumping powdered soap. As is typical of Kason, its engineers will be happy to find the optimum configuration to help a customer recycle most any type of powders or flakes.
Screen Tips - Volume 5, Number 1 Fall 1990
For de-agglomerating crystalline materials similar to the snow in a snowball, a screw with interrupted flights combined with paddle blades has proven highly successful. This special screw rotates inside a screen so the product becomes uniformly-sized free-flowing granules after passing through the screen.
Companies can economize through product recovery from over and underweight packaging. Screws with interrupted flights break bags of grounds, powders or flakes, permitting recycling of the product and discarding of the bag. Coffee grounds, for example, drop through the on-size discharge spout while the broken bags exit through the over-size port.
This technology has also been used for delumping powdered soap. As is typical of Kason, its engineers will be happy to find the optimum configuration to help a customer recycle most any type of powders or flakes.
Screen Tips - Volume 5, Number 1 Fall 1990